Introducing the Liberatory Black Educator Retention Framework


April 11, 2024 

Introducing the Liberatory Black Educator Retention Framework

The Black Educator Advocates Network (BEAN) is pleased to announce the Liberatory Black Educator Retention Framework, an trailblazing initiative crafted by Black educators, school leaders, psychologists, and instructional coaches in California. This initiative arises from a recent study highlighting the urgent need for culturally affirming and inclusive workplaces that support Black educators effectively.

The framework outlines five key tenets: Eradicating Anti-Blackness, Reconstructing Time, Educator Autonomy, Connection to Community, and Communal Care. Each tenet addresses critical aspects of the educational experience, aiming to create environments where Black educators can thrive free from systemic barriers that have historically undermined their professional and personal growth.

While the unveiling event on April 11th has reached full capacity and is now sold out, we are encouraged by the overwhelming interest and support from the community. This strong response underscores the critical relevance and urgent need for such frameworks in our educational systems.

This initiative is not just a set of guidelines but a call to action for all stakeholders in education—from policymakers to school leaders—to commit to meaningful, sustained change. It challenges us to transform our schools into places where Black educators are not only present but are also valued, respected, and empowered.

We invite educators, administrators, and community members to engage with this framework, to learn from it, and to implement its tenets within their schools. It is only through a concerted, community-focused effort that we can ensure the retention and success of Black educators, thereby enriching the educational experience for all students.

Together, we can build an educational system that truly reflects the diversity and talent of our community. Let us move forward with resolve and dedication to the principles outlined in the Liberatory Black Educator Retention Framework.


The Black Educators Advocates Network (BEAN) is a non-profit organization committed to transforming the educational experiences of Black educators, administrators, students, and parents. Founded by Black educators, BEAN focuses on community building, research, discovery, and advocacy to create a learning environment that centers around students of color.


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